About Us

Welcome to Pass RES Exam, the most helpful and inexpensive guide for RES Exam.

Are you struggling to complete your self study of the RES Exam material? Have you spent considerable amount of time preparing for the RES Exam with hopes starting a new career? Many like you have faced the same problems and they have conquered these problems by forming study groups to support each other. Pass RES Exam is an aggregate of the efforts of these study groups. All the materials on this website are consolidated over the years and refined to the latest edition where possible. 

This website would not be possible without contributions from our end users. They have submitted questions, reported errors and spotted exam questions. We find that this crowd sourcing, end user driven effort works much better than organization that charges high fees, almost 50% of the examination fee in some instances, with their black box approach on the mock papers. Another benefit is that we are able to consistently deliver the relevant products inexpensively. The fees you pay is used to cover the time we spent on updating the material with user-submissions. We also provide rebates for active users who selflessly share their insights and experience. This works well for everyone since a candidate often takes multiple papers and can enjoy significant rebates as they share their experience in each paper.

Our mock papers are regularly updated with user submissions. We do not resell other RES Exam. Our mock paper cover the full range of questions to give you the best chance of success in the RES Exam.

We are are not affiliated to is not affiliated or related to CEA or other organisation or agency. For more information on the Examinations, please visit the relevant websites:
Council for Estate Agent: www.cea.gov.sg

TENANCY AGREEMENT; what to look out for

A typical Tenancy Agreement should include the following: